Monday, February 28, 2011

The Real Saviors of this Nation

Every man or woman needs to proud about their country. That is supposedly an unwritten dictum followed by all countries in this world. It is generally based on the culture, ethnicity, natural wealth and the personalities who became famous through their great work in any field from science, arts to philosophy.
Indians never fail to talk very high about its ancient origin, culture, great men, arts and its enormous manpower spread all over the world. But, do the happenings in our own country in any manner worthy of feeling proud about this country or the people who rule it?
India seems to be the only country in the whole world riddled with hypocrisy. The recent happenings and the major leaders’ behavior to say the least are nothing but a matter of shame. We may be the largest democratic country but we are the meanest people in the world. We may be supplying the young, intelligent and energetic manpower to the entire world. But we are the one who indulge in all sort of criminal activities notwithstanding the educational background. India is considered as the land of philosophy which preached the materialistic and existentialistic foreigners the greatness of spiritual bliss. Nevertheless, today the scenarios we witness are something diametrically opposite; the spirituality is used as a ruse for all illegal and immoral activities and to amass wealth for luxurious living of the God men.
Corruption in every sphere of life is rampant. Lies and cheating have become a national behavior. Criminals are elected by us to rule the country. The rulers are interested more in improving their wealth than the wealth of the nation. The educated prefer to toe the lines of the politicians for pelf. Educational institutions have become commercial places trading degrees for huge sums. The world’s wealthiest individual and God belong to India. India, we cry hoarse, is still a developing country and suffers from poverty. We claim that we teach the world about the greatness of family life; today the next generation never wants even the parents in their homes but send them to old age homes.
Every possible crooked ways are adopted to achieve success in any field whether it is science or art. Cinema and film stars enjoy the status of God. Not a day passes without news of crimes related to corruption, chicanery, murder, sex or violence. With all these, we still speak of honesty and integrity. We believe in good, however minimum, as it is can spread its radiance around and safeguard one and all irrespective of the quality of the beneficiary.
I bow my head in reverence to that small miniscule percentage of good, benevolent, honest, sincere, conscious, moral, humble and genuine population saving this nation from catastrophe at every point.

Aap ki Soch

How easy is it for a common man to sit in a group, eat peanuts and slam the corrupt politicians? How easy it is to boo Mr. Suresh Kalmadi for his incompetency? How easily one can condemn Sonia Gandhi for deploying Manmohan Singh as a puppet Prime Minister? But has the same common man ever thought of making a difference and bringing a change?  
A govt official working in a Municipal Corporation may get allured when bribed for making a fake birth certificate. But the same man wouldn't hesitate in accusing A Raja for his indulgence in multi-crore spectrum scam. After all, this is India (World's Largest Democracy) where everything is tolerated.  
I don't say criticism is wrong. But according to me, a person doesn't inherit the right to criticise until he/she is capable of performing much better than the subject being criticised.  
One of my school teachers used to say that India requires a dictator to set right the system. But according to me this dream of hers should never come true. Within this democracy, which make us feel proud, we need a leader who can bring a change. A leader whose morals are high. A leader who believes in genuinely working for the nation. A leader who is a witness of dark shades of India. A leader who has the guts to supersede all hurdles. A leader of unity and integrity, a leader who can feel the impulse of common man… A leader who is determined to make a difference! 

Unlike most students who would not choose politics as their career, my choice has always been vice-versa. 

Since I have developed my conscience, I have always desired to be a politician. Not by being a part of the club which is adaptable to wrong means in the greed of power. But want to be a part of the group that can make a difference without compromising on its principles.  

Some suggested me to join a political party, some asked me to indulge in social work and develop connectivity, some even showed me the way to be a part of dirty politics. But the destiny made me a journalist. God guided me to raise the oppressed voices and bring a social change by using the power of media. But my inner desire still persist me to be a part of real life politics. If the voice of India is listening, I request them to show me the path, to give me suggestions and lend a helping hand in making a better political India.Waiting for the response of voices of India… 

Dharma ya Adharma

It is also a fact that the corruption is omnipresent not because of the politicians alone. The bureaucrats and the educated without qualms indulge in any sort of malpractices. We can argue that the whole world is like that and since the population in India is more we could feel the magnitude of it significantly.
But that argument is hardly convincing. The country which is considered to be a land of philosophy degenerating into corruption for material benefits and countries which promote existential principles favor corruption and amazing wealth carry a large difference. Indians preach philosophy and practice hypocrisy. So at least let us follow the western world in accepting our weaknesses and greed for pelf.
The major problem for Indian community for being corrupt is their utter selfishness and love for their family and progenies. In no other country the people suffer with such a type of family connections and feeling that their entire generations to be happy with the money kept in store well in advance. This is evident in the activities of the film stars, politicians, doctors and other professionals trying to bring their children into the same field by hook or by crook. We never care for their individuality or interest.
We consider it is the responsibility of the parents to keep wealth for the entire generations so that they live happily. This directly dictates everyone to earn wealth and hoard them. God said ‘Wherever there is a failure of Dharma I will born to establish Dharma’. I am sure that must be the statement exclusively for the Indian Nation. What is exactly the meaning of ‘dharma’ and where is ‘dharma’ today? We have reached a stage that even if God himself comes down to Indian soil he will be defeated in his efforts to establish Dharma as ‘Adharma’ has become so prevalent in our country.

Nehru’s Kashmir Blunders

Kashmir Valley, to be precise, is once again in turmoil today as a result of external forces like Pakistan and China providing support and encouragement to the separatist Kashmir Valley leaders of the Hurriyet. While agonizingly trying to analyze the reasons for this unfortunate situation one comes to the sad conclusion that the original sin leading to the present Kashmir situation was committed by India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. He may have been a charismatic political leader of the freedom movement and a man who laid the foundations of democracy of the Indian Republic but he was a poor strategic visionary when it came to matters strategic. It is ironic that his two major political policy investments, namely Kashmir and China, have rebounded strategically against the Indian Republic today. 
Nehru’s idealistic romanticism on both these counts has cost India heavily today and in particular on Kashmir where his flawed policies have provided fertile grounds to external powers to fish in troubled waters and use Kashmir as a pressure-point against India.
Nehru’s first blunder on Kashmir was prevaricating on  Kashmir’s timely accession to India. Consequently, Pakistan was provided time and space to send in Pakistan Army into the Kashmir Valley in the guise of tribals from the NWFP. This delay was generated by his obsession at that time that the Kashmiri Muslim leader Sheikh Abdullah must be brought on board as a party to the Accession. 
The blunder was that in the period August to December 1947, there was ample time to send in the Indian Army to pre-empt Pakistan’s military intervention in the Kashmir Valley. Nehru’s lack of strategic audacity and his giving primacy to political idealistic considerations over strategic and security considerations was in poor contrast to those of Jinnah across the border in Pakistan.
Jinnah listened to his British Pakistan Army Chief that for the security and safety of Pakistan, it was imperative that Kashmir should be part of Pakistan otherwise Pakistan’s jugular vein would be in Indian hands as all the rivers that flowed into Pakistan originated from that region. This was the major underlying reason for Pakistan’s past and present obsession with Kashmir. The remainders were all cosmetic add-ons like Kashmir being a Muslim majority state. Pakistan’s present primacy to water disputes as a core issue with India reinforces this fact.
The second major blunder that Nehru committed was to stop the Indian Amy drive to Muzaffarabad at Uri when the Indian Army in its offensive rolling momentum would have wrested the whole of Kashmir State including Gilgit and Skardu from Pakistani hands.
Nehru once again submitted to political considerations and ignored the sound military advice of the Indian Army Commanders. Besides other reasons, here again the Sheikh Abdullah factor came into play. It is little known that Sheikh Abdullah’s political base and support was confined to the Kashmir Valley only. If the Indian Army had wrested back the whole of what is Pakistan Occupied Kashmir territory then the non-Kashmiri Mirpuris who are Punjabi speaking would have been in ethnic majority and displaced Sheikh Abdullah as the Muslim majority leader of Kashmir. This fact stands documented.
The third major blunder that Nehru committed was to apply Article 370 to Kashmir even though in the Constitution it was not intended for Kashmir. It was supposed to be a temporary application only. But today the Congress Governments that followed and the BJP too have unwittingly allowed it to assume a centrality that in relation to Kashmir that was not intended.
The other blunders by Nehru on Kashmir like referring the issue to the United Nations and an offer for a plebiscite are publicly well known and are not being referred to.
One more blunder that needs to be pointed out is that for a number of years Nehru made the Ministry of External Affairs handle the Kashmir issue and not the Home Ministry because he knew that with Sardar Patel as the Home Minister the Kashmir problem would be handled firmly and squarely by Sardar Patel and not with kid gloves as Nehru was doing.  Sardar Patel would have placed India’s security considerations over Nehru’s weakness for Sheikh Abdullah who some years later let down Nehru and forcing Nehru to place him in confinement for a number of years. 
India’s political leaders have still not learnt the appropriate lessons from Nehru’s blunders on Kashmir and as the present Government approaches and pronouncements indicate that once again political considerations are being given primacy over Indian security considerations.
